1. Mirror photoshop trick? No.
They’re just soldiers marching in unison.
2. A tornado? No.

Just a big cloud!
3. Witch’s house, maybe? No.

It’s a real house. It’s just painted in black!
4. Some bear stuffed toy? No.

It was Brutus the bear who was raised in captivity by this family.
5. A plastic fish? No.

It’s the biggest goldfish ever
6. Tricking you? No.

Just in Eli Roth’s Goretorium haunted house to haunt you!
7. Walking on water? No.

Just perfect timing!
8. A ghost? No.

Just makeup.
9. Some atomic bomb? No.

Just a photo of a cloud taken by a National Geographic photographer.
10. It’s not what you think.

It’s the “Magic tap” at a Santa Maria water park.
11. Glued on the photo? No.

Just the daredevil Dean Potter walking on a tightrope
12. Really built like this? No.

These train tracks in New Zealand were straight and then this happened after an earthquake
13. Dreaming? No.

A man-made funnel that drains during floods.
14. Flying buildings? No.

It’s the Dubai skyline reaching the clouds.
15. Siddharta Gautama? No.

Just a 3D image (looks like Buddha) on a tree by the photographer Clement Briend.
16. A cross made in purpose? No.

Just a pole that caught on fire.
17. Kind of flowing? No.

Just a drape over a construction site.
18. Headless hockey player? No.

The helmet was took off. Perfect shot.
19. Wrongly landed? No.

This is a resort on the east coast of South Korea!
20. In different photo effect? No.

Makeup and hair dye will do wonders!
21. Painted body? No.

Just a hybrid of a pony and a zebra!
22. Photoshop? No.

This was taken by the French photographer Philippe Ramette.
23. Unreal? No.

It’s a scuba diving tank in a Dubai hotel.
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